Our marking service could be your ticket to achieving the grades you want

Having your work marked by an experienced academic not only provides you with valuable and actionable insight – it can be the difference between good grades and great grades.

Speak with an academic consultant

Take your work to the next level

Getting your work edited is simple and fast – we can deliver in as little as 6 hours.

Reduce the risk

Get detailed commentary from our expert markers before you submit your work and minimise the chances of getting an underwhelming grade.

Personalised suggestions

Our markers have all taught at elite universities. The bespoke feedback they provide can help to elevate your assignment to the next grade boundary.

Your on-demand tutor

Tutors often lack time to feed back and support students as much as they need. Our on-demand service makes sure your project gets the attention it deserves.

What can I expect when you mark my essay?

Marked by an expert

When you place an order with us, your work will be matched to a professional academic with expert knowledge of your subject. All our academics have a wealth of marking experience. Once set to work, we will regularly check in with you and your marker to ensure you receive the best possible advice.

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Estimated grade

No matter the nature of your assignment, you’ll be given an estimated grade in addition to customised feedback. The grade estimation will take into account your level of study, the relevant marking criteria, as well as technical aspects like spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Actionable suggestions

Beyond the standard analysis of your work, your marker will also make at least three suggestions on how to improve it, along with the grade you can expect to achieve should you choose to implement them.


Detailed feedback

Every marking report comes with at least 500 words of analysis of your project, examining both its strengths and its weaknesses.

Fast turnaround

We understand the short timescales often involved between finishing an essay or dissertation and submitting it to your tutor. We can work to tight schedules and can deliver your report in full in as little as 24 hours.


Go even further with these project upgrades

In-line feedback

In addition to the detailed feedback in your marking report, you can opt to receive further commentary within the document itself. This is particularly ideal if your assignment is long, or has various complex chapters.

Speak with your marker

Once you have reviewed your marking report, you may have questions. If you choose this upgrade, we can arrange a conference or Skype call with your marker. This is especially useful for more complex projects like dissertations.


A clean edit can take your work from good to great. You can choose to have a professional proofreader remove any spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes from your project, or go a step further and have the style and structure improved too.

How it works

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1. Set your requirements

The work you need, when you need it. Every subject is covered
– there’s nothing too specialised or obscure.

2. Pay for your order

We offer a choice of paying up front or at a later date.

3. Connect with your academic

We’ll put you in touch with one of the top academic experts in your field and they will start work on your project.

4. Download your work

Sign in to download your custom essay or dissertation. Need any changes? No problem, we’re happy to help.

5. Get better grades

We’ll send you the product you have ordered on your chosen delivery date – it’s that simple.

“The comments were easy to read and I felt that it was money very well spent. I want to thank the marker as I thought she was exceptional!”
Final year undergraduate student

John Doe

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